Friday 23 February 2018

Mercedes Benz C Class Cabriolet – A Car with Performance and Class!

Since hitting the markets in 1994, Mercedes Benz and its range of stylish and smooth cars have been sweeping through the crowds at a breakneck pace. Not only are people astounded by the brilliant features that each car is equipped with, but they are also clamouring for more advanced designs and attributes from Mercedes Benz. Indeed, Mercedes Benz has obliged and now aims to quench all those demands with their new C Class Cabriolet. The Mercedes Benz C Class Cabriolet boasts some of the most extraordinary characteristics that have ever been produced in the timeline of vehicle manufacture, and will surely set a gold standard for the company of Mercedes Benz itself. Below are some of the many features that have attracted a horde of interested customers to the doors of Mercedes Benz. 

Brake Functions

What was previously a luxury feature for many vehicles is now simply a basic detail in this masterpiece of an automobile. Supported by an electronic sensor that detects the quality of the brake pad, this indicator informs you when your brake pad is slowly wearing out and may need to be replaced. This does not only aid you in maintaining optimal safety as you are embarking on your journey, but it also gives you information on how you are handling the parts in your car. The car also possesses a pressure system that controls your brake should your vehicle get too close to another vehicle.

Driving Comfort

While your comfort may be reliant on your personal choice as well as the model of the car, you should have no trouble easing into the space of the car. The motion sensors outfitted with camera units at the front and back can effortlessly guide into parking the vehicle into tight spaces. Most of these Mercedes Benz C Class Cabriolet models are also accompanied by speed systems that can help you accelerate as you wish. For optimal performance, this car also provides an electronic seating arrangement with memory that can personalise every single passenger’s experience. 

Interior Features

Aside from performance, mobility and security, this car is set to attend to all your needs with its plethora of interior features. Whether it is an entertainment or navigation system, a Bluetooth/USB arrangement, temperature-controlled glove boxes and seating, every moment spent inside the car would be worthwhile in any case. The SmartKey feature is yet another example of how automobile technology has transformed the travelling experience forever.

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